Launching a new
cyber security SaaS tool


10+ employees (and growing rapidly)

Cyber security


Remote team - UK/South Africa



Senior UX/UI designer


UX/UI designer


UX strategist

A new cybersecurity tool

When the founders of Push Security spotted an opportunity for a new cyber security SaaS tool, they needed a team that could help them shape the product’s vision as well as delivering top class design work.

The concept was for a product that connects to the platforms most commonly used by mid-market businesses, recommends the most important security controls, then provides guidance and automations to help them keep their accounts and files secure.

With solid sector experience, seed funding in the bank and a lot of ideas, it was time for us to come onboard.

We selected Lighthouse because of their enthusiasm and the skills they had. They clearly understood what we were trying to do and were excited about the project.

Adam Bateman
CEO, Push Security

The challenge

Push’s founders came to us with a clear idea and a set of wireframes, but there was still some ambiguity about whether this really was the right route to take. Based on what they knew about their industry, and what we know about making a good product, we explored ideas around the different paths that could get their vision to the MVP stage.

A great deal of our work on this project focused on really exploring the problem and challenging the Push team’s assumptions. They were excited and enthusiastic about this exploration.

Push’s initial work focused on six different personas. Quickly realising that we couldn’t target them all we decided to focus on one persona who would have the strongest buying intent.

The benefit of this approach was a reduction in product scope and a more targeted marketing strategy to get the right eyes on the product.

Lighthouse challenged us and came back with better ideas. They pushed us to improve the product.

Adam Bateman
CEO, Push Security

Design systems

Once we had built out a revised set of detailed user flows and wireframes for this persona, we were ready to build a complete design system to sit on top.

The application MVP was due to launch in the coming months, but as a team with technical knowledge in-house the founders needed all the components and modules to allow them to adapt the offering and push out new features rapidly.

A big part of our job as designers is to prompt teams to consider different options, and with Push this came naturally. We gave them conversation starters that ended up being implemented in the final product.

Marketing a cyber security SaaS tool

Launching a product isn’t just about building it and assuming that users will arrive in droves. The Push team’s plan was to use content marketing to bring their users on board, a solid plan that would connect well with the audience.

We helped take that idea and build a set of flows and templates on the externally facing portion of the application that would start to onboard customers as early as possible. Actionable CTAs allowed them to start using Push’s features from the off and see value quickly.

People have short attention spans – they read headlines and often not much more. CTAs are key to entice and create action, and a good agency partner will help you make the most of them.

Dashboard UI design

We extended our design into a set of dashboard templates which set out the common elements.

These could then be used across possible flows, iterations and settings, as well as serving as a framework for repeating patterns that can grow with the product.

It’s easy to have a set idea of what you want, but Lighthouse have great ideas. Let them figure out how you’ll achieve your goals.

Adam Bateman
CEO, Push Security