Podcast: Technology Choices


Yeah. You totally know. WebGL is 3D graphics framework as it were. Well, it doesn’t actually have to be 3D, its just a graphics framework, but you can do 3D stuff with it. It was one of my favourite things before was when C++ opened a lot of video games and stuff like that I made using it. Its just good fun. You get down into the nitty gritty mathematical programming of graphics. When I started this job that you know I cannot put that behind me that whole bit. That part of my life was over. I was no longer.


No 3D for you.


Yeah. No 3D for me.




Then this project comes along and its like this guy is going to need some kind of 3D modelling software type.


I was kind of surprised. We were like, we’ve got our web developer and it was like who’s making 3D stuff. We have him that was great.


Yeah. I totally just got to do quite a big project and it wiped me out. It was loads of fun, but if you look at the hours I put into that.


I remember.


What came out of it is absolutely not because its on a website and you’re like how is this thing in a website? It was an annoying.


Yeah. It was. You’re right. I remember the client saying basically just being like ‘What are you guys doing?’, because he like came in and he was brief and no point just brief to say ‘You’ll be able to rotate around the object and view it from any perceivable angle.’


I often find myself whenever we get clients in, so I take them over to my computer and I always have the code off at the same time just in case something breaks, but what always ends up happening is we’re talking about something they like that’s just kind of throwing things out there expecting me to take notes and not kind of do it at the time. He was like ‘Oh yeah, and maybe you could kind of tilt the wardrobe this way a little bit and change the lighting a bit.’, and I’d flip over to the code and I’m changing a bunch of stuff and refresh it and then like the wardrobe is all changed and he was just like mind blown. Like I have hired the right guy here. This is nuts. This guy is programming a wardrobe. Here I’m making more with my hands like an idiot. This guy is programming.


It was a tool for designing a wardrobe. If we haven’t mentioned that. Wardrobe is not a programming language.


Wardrobe is a programming language.




Very good at compartmenting things.


Nice. That’s actually not a bad name. There’s so many .js names and you think its almost like you think of the name first and then write your programming language.


I’ve got a couple .js ones.




There’s gasmeter.js. If anyone out there ever wants a gas meter on their website drop me an e-mail and I’ll send you the code. You’re right there is like every next kind of thing ever named is a JavaScript framework.