Podcast: Technology Choices


That’s because I’m. Well, yeah I think what we’re really trying to say is programmers are fucking awful. They are opinionated.


That’s the wrong people to ask actually, because like you say its like asking someone how should I raise a child? You know what I mean? Actually, most people who have children have two, so its like well you’re an expert at this. You’ve done it twice. Its basically saying, that’s going to tell you how they do it and that’s not actually an answer with any perspective on your problem, on your situation. Its like that with programmers talking about the programming language they love. Of course they want it to get bigger. They want to be programming. They want a job. They want everyone to use it. I think if I was going to conclude on that and say don’t ask a programmer what programming language you should use? They’re biased. I mean play it safe, unless there’s a really good reason to use something new and specific, you’re quite niche I would back away from it. Don’t give yourself that headache, just pick standard stuff.


I feel like we’ve focused quite a lot on being like ‘no, stay away from like big scary fucking new scary programming language, or technology, or whatever, but that’s totally not. Sure I want to go across. I mean recently with Apple hours we have used something we have never used that before with the content delivery network. They’ve been around for a while with content full and things like that its kind of getting bigger and more well known and easier to use, but it is still like a little bit of a risk. We weren’t just going to do a basic static database and its because it suited it after their needs. They had very definitive business kind of potentially. Definitive, potentially. It was a definitive business that they would that some point do an app and we wanted to keep the content diagnostics. It wouldn’t be this. That’s without saying and potentially that we put a lot more time into the project. That was almost a risk on our part. Not the client’s part.


I think you’re right. I think you can go over the top because you’re trying to stop people making mistakes. You can definitely be too cautious and not actually take an opportunity. I would just say, I think there was another article I read which I wish I can remember. We’ll find the link. Which is basically saying in every project you’ve got to keep it pretty boring and you get one kind of token to spend on like an outlet on something you don’t use before, or something that’s just slightly non standard. You’ve got to use that well. You’ve got to use it because the problem is specific and this will solve it. Not because you just come across the website and it looks nice.
I quite like that as an approach because you’re absolutely right. You don’t just want to sit there and do anything the old way, the old way. You’ve got to be looking constantly forward by everything is what you say. Its how you move forward and not giving yourself a massive problem that is potentially going to threaten someone’s business. Certainly threaten your weekends and evenings as you try to scramble around in some badly documented framework when your bases not saving.


I feel like you’re talking from experience. Do you got in specific event in mind where you chose a completely outlandish technology in the younger more wilder days.


I think the longer the experiment was the most painful primarily because I didn’t use it for what its good at, so as a technology its great quickly pushing data in and out, but that data is pretty loose. Its not structured and I was using it for something that required more structured data and so essentially it was having a massive headache keeping everything organized.


Its got a stupid name, too.


Yeah. I enjoyed using it, but then the application it was built with became a massive headache and it did stuff like it just basically makes it so easy to say things that it won’t even need you to set up a database. It would just start saving stuff as soon as you start saving it and I upgraded it and it moved where the database was and so whereas if that happened with any technology that I knew before that, it would say ‘I can’t find your database, sorry.’, but instead it just said ‘thats right I would just start saving again.’ The application worked completely well, but because the database would move there was no data in the application any more. I spent a good couple of hours freaking out and I started writing an e-mail to the client saying ‘Guys slight change in user numbers.’


P.S. Sorry.


On a downwards kind of vibe. It wasn’t so much a problem with the technology, but I mean that instant was just an instant. More the reason it was a problem was because I was trying out and it was the wrong used case for it. When I went back its just like when you find a problem, the stuff you know can’t fix then go and try or if you’re on a project with a lot of risk like a side project, a personal thing. When we work internally, we’re looking at all sorts of stuff when we work on internal stuff, but when its a business you’ve got to pick your technologies in the same way you pick anything else you do business. You get yourself an office and its got enough plug sockets. You don’t go in twice somewhere that’s going to tie difference source of power. You know what I mean, right?


Yeah. I know. I get that.


There’s certain things you just when its your business, you keep it simple.


I’d like to point out that no accidents are losing your day basically happen under my reign?


It didn’t actually happen. I thought it happened.


Its is whatever. I’ve had a lot of run ins with biting off too much with kind of Fandango technologies because I’m very frivolous about like ‘Oh, yeah. I can do that.’ And I’ll be like I can do that.


That’s why I’m here. That’s why the board of trustees is here.


I can certainly do that, but the thing is I can totally do it, but its not necessarily the best thing. It might if I like the client they get a sweet deal, but I’m not running myself into the ground like the whole WebGL incident. I absolutely love getting my fingers back into that kind of thing because that was one of my favourite things.


What was WebGL to it?


To like 3D.


Not me I understand what to do.