Podcast: Side Projects


That’s definitely, for me, is those moments because so much programming you come into it and you just have be like, “That’s just how it works.” Then one day you’re going along and the penny properly drops, and you’re-


How often to you get penny-drop stuff in the day-to-days?


More often than you would think. Those times when you look, so me and Russ sit side-by-side. There’s times when you’ve got your headphones on and you’re really locked on, and I will have been holding my fist out for about 30 seconds. That’s a penny-drop moment, normally.


You should just drop pennies around me.


I probably should just throw a penny at you, but now I hold it there.




Damn, do you have your music loud. The thing is often I don’t even look over at you. I’d just got my fist up and I’m going and going, and then eventually-


It’s part celebration as well because it’s one-handed finishing of the…


Yeah. With the whole learning more back-end stuff, would you say any of the stuff that you’ve been learning is going to help you to help you in the future with design?


Is it going to help me? No, I don’t think anything I’ve worked out so far is transferable to design stuff. This is all definite. You’re just like, “Working’s fine.” It’s stuff that I knew of, but now I like … You know there’s knowing about something that’s actually understandable?


Yeah, yeah.


There’s certain particular things in programming that I now just actually get. As opposed to the whole copy, paste, and change something, you know.


Okay, but I suppose … God, I’m not necessarily talking about the visual design but maybe the UX design and stuff like that. Do you think you have a different approach knowing more how some of the technologies work? Because I know, for example, with one of the projects that I’m doing, all of the kind of UX for at the moment, and architecting the system. Continually, what’s going through the back of my mind is, “What technologies have going to actually accomplish in this thing?” Regardless of how it looks because you really need to get that in place right away.


Yeah. I think you’re right. I don’t know. That’s the other thing as well is that even if I am thinking about that, it won’t be my decision on what technology we’d use anyway, so …


If you had prior knowledge of something like that, you potentially wouldn’t design something that I’d have to shoot down.


Yeah, but do we ever do that?

