Podcast: Side Projects


I think it was called that, yeah. The latest version of it is actually built in Cake 2, which we’re now going to update to Cake 3. I don’t even know what stage you’re in anymore. We didn’t really have any collaborative processes going on or anything like that, nothing like how we work right now.


I think also a telling part of us, both slacking a bit and trying to get back on track, was do you remember how we tried to set deadlines and stuff, and we created a list of to-dos?




We’d be like, “Okay, look. These are the, this is our minimum viable product. We can get that.” We said, “This is our MVP.” Right?


Yeah. That was after I first started hearing it being listening in on this Dan and Tom chat. I was like, “These guys sound like they might know what they’re on about. I’m going to bring that into Team Drop.” Hella did it work.


I think our minimum viable product lost about 2 features from our complete product. Obviously, we set deadlines, and then when a deadline passes, that’s like just saying, “Every deadline will now pass.” Right?


Yeah. I did find to love Wunderlist, so …


Yeah, that’s true.


That was good. We did find Wunderlist.


Getting good to-dos is important. From that, we do have a list somewhere which tells us what we need to do.


Yeah, we do.


Yeah. That’s the story of one possibly failed project of mine.


Though, i wouldn’t say that. It’s on hold, as far as the design side of things because the actual functionality of the whole thing hasn’t changed much. I think that’s something that you can nail down quite quickly, especially … Potentially, you’re able to nail down that quicker in a personal project than with a client project because we can just back ball  it out as it were until we’ve got a real set load of features. As far as the design is concerned, I know that you’ve gone through several phases.




If you leave that design alone for too long, I’m sure if you came back to it now you would just redesign it all.


It’s funny you say that. I actually was cleaning up all my web folder the other day, and I stopped backing it up the design files for Team Drop because it became a fight in my head. I was like, “It’s okay if I lose this.” Because I think if we came back to it, I’d have to redo it.


I feel like I might’ve deleted the repository the other day.


Well, that’s good. Round of applause, everybody involved in that project.