Hey, so welcome back to the Lighthouse podcast. I am Tom.
I’m Russell.
Today as the two designers in the company we’re going to talk about things, surprise surprise, design related.
We’re getting creative.
Yeah. We’re going to be super creative and then blow your minds. Although, probably not likely. The thing we’re going to talk about now is a bit of a broad, vague topic I guess, but there’s a fair bit of difference between … I’m just going to come out with it, between our ages basically. I was going to say experience but that’s not quite true. I’m quite old. Russell’s nice and young, so we’re going to talk about the differences in how we go into what we do which is broadly graphic design, web design, and how that looked when I started out compared to how it looks now and various other bits and bobs. Maybe the first place to start. Why don’t you tell me how did you get into doing web design and stuff, like how did that go?
Yeah. Originally I was big into the internet and computers and that was most of my life, and a lot of that came into spending time on forums and stuff, and one of the first thing that happens-
Yeah. We’ve all been there.
We’ve all been there. We’ve all been part of a good forum community. I think at some point I just started wondering like, “How does all this come together?” Especially if you want to set up your own forum, and how do I actually make this happen? That led into, “Oh, what are these web technologies and stuff?” All these things to learn, and also you get the chance to theme a forum, right?
Oh, yeah. I’m never doing that again in my entire life.
No, that’s the worst thing in the world. There are so many different GIF files for you to …
When any client comes, “Can we have a forum?” It’s like, “No. No. I don’t want to do that.”
No way. We’re a no forum company. Yeah, I [cover 00:01:54] out that and I realized that I need some software for that, and then I started learning the software, and it all snowballed from there. Starting to learn Photoshop you realize that you can play with photos and that’s amazing. Learning all those tutorials online of which there are a million.
Did you put your face on all these buff bodies.